Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Teammatcher: Find collaborators!

Entreprenurial ventures start out in many ways...but they rarely succeed on your own!

The UC Berkeley Business Plan Competition wants to help aspiring entrepreneurs meet each other. Email bplan {at} if you would like to post to this blog, and look for teammates. Please keep your posting to 2-3 paragraphs, and include:
  • A basic summary of your business plan idea (include industry, technology, etc.)
  • Your background and affiliation with UC Berkeley (if applicable)
  • Your contact details / preferred way to be contacted
We'll post new blog entries for ideas -
And if you don't have an idea, but want to get involved, please add a comment!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I am an MBA student looking to partner with a team for the business plan competition.

My prior background is in consulting. I am interested in helping you develop your business plan and potentially contribute in some of the following areas:

-marketing strategy
-data analysis and problem solving
-preparing presentations and strategy documents

My preference is projects within the healthcare industry (medical devices, biotech, pharma) but I
would also be interested in other industries such
as technology, energy, business services.


Maham Daher